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The Ernakulam Psychiatric Society with immense pleasure in hosting the Regional Congress of the World Association of Social Psychiatry on 8th and 9th December 2018 at the picturesque coastal city of Kochi in the south of India. The thought provoking theme ‘Social Diversity, Globalization and Mental Health’ reflects our efforts to bring to the forefront important issues encountered by psychiatrists in the rapidly changing social scenario.
The Organising Committee is happy to invite you to this conference which will be held at Crowne Plaza, Kochi. We are sure that the interesting academic programmes, the hospitality of the organising committee and the members of EPS will leave an indelible mark in your memory. Requesting you to keep the dates free for us to serve you.
We in India believe that a guest is akin to god. Atithi Devo Bhava.
Warm Regards,